A Referral You’ll Feel Good About
I watched an amazing movie today. It was not a blockbuster but it was an incredible story. It was Freedom Writers starring Hilary Swank as a high school teacher in a difficult school. The movie is based on a true story. One of the secondary points of the movie really stood out to me. The teacher that Swank played had a difficult time getting books from the school for her students.
I ran into a similar situation a couple years ago when the BNI-Misner Foundation had a request from a teacher that said the school’s library was only open one day a week and there were very limited books available to her students. She said that she couldn’t teach students math, science, english, or history if they couldn’t read. That request motivated us to focus more on providing mini-grants for teachers trying to obtain books for their students. Watching Freedom Writers reinforced our interest in providing mini-grants directly to teachers in schools who need books.
So, why am I mentioning this??? “A referral you’ll feel good about” is any teacher you know who is looking for books for their class. We’d like to consider them for a mini-grant ($500-$1,000 max). If you know someone like this, have them send an email to bethmisner@bni.com who is the administrator for the BNI-Misner Foundation. We’d like to see if we can help.